United States

ISF Filing Portland OR



Port of Portland Portland , OR
United States
Oregon US

ISF Filing Portland OR. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

ISF Filing San Francisco CA



Port of San Francisco San Francisco , CA
United States
California US

ISF Filing San Francisco CA. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

ISF Filing Savannah GA



Port of Savannah Savannah , GA
United States
Georgia US

ISF Filing Savannah GA. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

ISF Filing Seattle WA



Port of Seattle Seattle , WA
United States
Washington US

ISF Filing Seattle WA. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

ISF Filing Tacoma WA



Port of Tacoma Tacoma , WA
United States
Washington US

ISF Filing Tacoma WA. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

ISF Filing Tampa Florida



Port of Tampa Tampa , FL
United States
Florida US

ISF Filing Tampa Florida. A 10+2 Importer Security Filing is required for all containerized ocean shipments destined for United States seaports. Per US Customs regulation, your ISF 10+2 must be filed timely, prior to vessel loading, to avoid US Customs penalties up to $5000. Our etools provide you with 24 hour access for your 10+2 Importer Security Filing so you never have to late file. Rest assured that your 10+2 Importer Security Filing will be filed by a licensed customs broker and you will receive a US Customs transaction number as proof of filing.

List price: $0.00
Price: $25.00

Sea freight rate Qingdao to Los Angeles


Sea freight rate Qingdao to Los Angeles is based on general cargo FCL full container. Local destination THC port fees apply. These ocean freight rates are specific for shipping from China into the United States. Shipping full sea container load cargo is made simple with our listed rates.

List price: $0.00
Price: $2,085.00

Ocean container shipping cost Shenzhen to Los Angeles


Ocean container shipping cost Shenzhen to Los Angeles is based on general cargo FCL full container. Local destination THC port fees apply. These ocean freight rates are specific for shipping from China into the United States. Shipping full sea container load cargo is made simple with our listed rates.

List price: $0.00
Price: $1,825.00

Ocean Freight rate Ningbo to Seattle


Ocean Freight rate Ningbo to Seattle is based on general cargo FCL full container. Know your true landed cost. These ocean freight rates are specific for shipping from China into the United States. Shipping full sea container load cargo is made simple with our listed rates.

List price: $0.00
Price: $1,825.00

Container shipping Shanghai to Los Angeles


Container shipping Shanghai to Los Angeles is based on general cargo FCL full container. Know your true landed cost. These ocean freight rates are specific for shipping from China into the United States. Shipping full sea container load cargo is made simple with our listed rates.

List price: $0.00
Price: $2,085.00


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  • 1504 Old Country Rd,Westbury NY 11590 U.S.A
  • Phone: +1.516.414.7256
  • Website: FreightNCargo.com


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